I develop quality driven solutions

front-end developer

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Includes work and side projects/experiments.

Github Profile

Web application to search for Github user profile information and list all repos. GitHub v4 API.

  • React
  • Apollo

Encode App

Web application provides with encrypting and decrypting text information by symmetric and asymmetric algorithms implemented with Crypto.

  • React
  • Node.js
  • Express
  • Antd

Deezer Player

Audio player made from scratch with Web Audio API and canvas. Data API - Rapid API/Deezer.

  • React
  • Redux
  • TypeScript

About me

My name is Nikita, I’m self-taught front-end developer with Software Engineering background.

For my first 2 years in university I learned C# OOP, which was great experience for me but still not what I wanted to do.

That’s when I stared to learn front-end development throughtout courses, articles and etc. One of the most impactful free courses I found for myself as a web beginner was FreecodeCamp which was easy to follow.

Today most of the time I’m working with React developing Single Page Applications.



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n1ghtdev (c) 2020